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Eat Arte s.r.l.

In February 2010, GiulioPolimeni, Francesco Mancini and Daniele Mancini founded EatArte S.r.l., believing that the high-quality fast food industry has an enormous growth potential, for a number of reasons: demographic (population ageing), economic (the financial crisis pushes consumers to reproduce the experience of eating out at a restaurant at home or in fast food outlets), qualitative (in the vast majority of cases, fast food has a low quality/price ratio), health-related (consumers now tend to prefer food made with quality organic and non-organic ingredients), and practical (there is less and less time to prepare food at home).

Their strategic aim was that of turning "ready-made meals" from simple commodities (which is how they are usually perceived) into unique products.

Company Information
Registered Office
Piazza Trento e Trieste, 12 - 66100 Chieti
Operational Headquarters
Piazza Trento e Trieste, 12 - 66100 Chieti

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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