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Associated Companies

Partner Srl

PARTNER S.r.l. is one of the most dynamic and innovative management consulting firms in central Italy. The company stands out for its result-oriented approach, its products and services, which are always up-to-date with market developments thanks to its Research and Development efforts, and for its achievements, which include:

  • success rate in concessionary loans (at regional, national and community level): 83%
  • effectiveness of its training: over 90%
  • savings in company supplies: from 15 to 30% through purchase optimisation
  • design and implementation of successful enterprise systems and networks.

Alongside it successes on the market, the company has gradually expanded its network of partners in Italy and abroad (category associations, universities, research centres, designers, professionals, engineering companies, etc.).

Company Information
Registered Office
Via E. Berlinguer, 26 – 63078 Spinetoli (AP)

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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