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CIPAT Abruzzo

CIPAT Abruzzo was established as a regional provider of training opportunities on 19/02/1982, in compliance with the national structure of CIPA.AT recognised by the Ministry of Work and Welfare as a training institution regulated under Law 40/87. From 1977 to 1982, CIPAT provided its services in the region and within each province, developing training projects financed by Ministerial and Regional funds and mainly aimed at entrepreneurs and workers in the agricultural, agri-food, tourism and environmental industries. CIPAT Abruzzo has a long-standing experience in the development, realisation and accounting of complex programmes and projects financed by structural and ministerial funds, such as:

A) F.S.E: ADAPT, NOW, EQUAL I and II programmes, projects under law no. 236; Ongoing and Permanent Training programmes POR Abruzzo

B) F.E.S.R: Interreg III A TransfrontalieroAdriatico, LEADER II and LEADER PLUS programmes;

C) F.E.O.G.A:training opportunities for young entrepreneurs, business owners and assistants, financed by PSR Abruzzo for the years 2000–2006 and 2007–2013

D) 1) Environmental authority task force training programme promoted by the Ministry of the Environment; 2) Partner in the e-government project of the municipalities of the Molise region, promoted by the Ministry of technological innovation; 3) Partner in the e-democracy project "MEDITA", promoted by the Ministry of technological innovation and public administration.

In 2008, CIPAT Abruzzo started designing and promoting training opportunities financed by the FOR.AGRIinterprofessional fund, while in the previous years it collaborated with FON.TER. II CIPAT has accredited headquarters in the city of Pescara and others are available throughout the region, thanks to a strong network of partners including local businesses and stakeholders. CIPAT Abruzzo has a consolidated know-how in the following sectors: Distance education, Organisation and management of human resources, Ongoing training, Education, Enterprise building, Local development, Training for Public Administration, Citizenship rights and the fight against social exclusion. It has a long-standing experience in research and development activities, monitoring and evaluation systems, teacher training programmes and other complex projects. Moreover, CIPAT has a consolidated experience in the management of development partnerships, Temporary Associations and Cooperation Agreements involving Local Authorities, Workers and Entrepreneurs' Associations, Universities, Schools, Research Centres and Not-for-profit Organisations. Upon request, CIPAT Abruzzo relies on its human resources to provide consulting services and technical assistance to Local Authorities, Private Social Associations, Private Businesses, Employer Organisations on accounting, monitoring, designing and implementation of training initiatives, either funded or non-funded. It relies on a team of project leaders with a consolidated experience in managing complex distance and traditional training initiatives, and in the coordination and management of internal and external human resources. Permanent staff is supported by a well-tested team of consultants in order to offer focused, high-quality training opportunities. CIPAT Abruzzo is an Accredited Training Provider recognised by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies – Department for Rural Competition Policies and Quality for the provision of training opportunities aimed at young agricultural entrepreneurs who have recently set up their business or are in the process of setting it up. Moreover, it is accredited by the interprofessional fund FOR.AGRI, by the Regional Agricultural and Forestry Department for Abruzzo for the initiatives envisaged in the 2007/2013 Rural Development Plan for Abruzzo and by FONDIMPRESA.

Company Information
Registered Office
Viale Bovio 85, 65124 Pescara (PE)
Operational Headquarters
Via Raffaello 26 Pescara (PE)

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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