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Associated Companies

CIA Abruzzo - Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori

The Italian Confederation of Farmers has four offices throughout the region (one in each province) and over 120 local and municipal branches. It has over 41,000 members, corresponding to the 31% of all farmers in the region.

It represents the general interests of its members and safeguards, promotes and fosters their interests and activities autonomously and democratically. It takes part in the consultation activities carried out in all local and regional institutions and signs the regional contract for agricultural workers.

The confederation also provides consulting services for agricultural businesses and citizens through its companies (Agricoltura è Vita) and Institutes (CAA-CAF-INAC) as well as promoting the interests of women entrepreneurs (Donne in Campo), young entrepreneurs (AGIA), pensioners (ANP) and farm holiday businesses (Turismo Verde)

Company Information
Registered Office
Viale Bovio, 85 - 65124 Pescara (PE)

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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