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Dolci Amori del Gran Sasso Srl

Dolci Amori del Gran Sasso S.r.l. operates in the gluten-free bakery sector. The company aims to produce genuine and natural biscuits and crackers, combining the needs of a gluten-free dietetic nutrition to a qualitative level, in sensory and gustatory terms of the traditional consumer, above the average of the products present on the market today.

For the realization of the products, the result of love and passion for our work (thanks to the secrets inherited from old master confectioners), we opted for the use of special raw materials, certified no-GMO, carefully selected and proportionate, with the purpose to offer the consumer the fragrance, friability and flavors that are usually not perceptible in gluten-free foods.

Company Information
Registered Office
Via Zona Artigianale Pacciano snc - 64045 Isola del Gran Sasso (TE)
Operational Headquarters
Via Zona Artigianale Pacciano snc - 64045 Isola del Gran Sasso (TE)
0861 976065
0861 976065

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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