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About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation. It is developed upon ancient traditions and from a particular soil composition that enables it to host a wide variety of crops and numerous typical food.

AGIRE was established in September 2010 and it is classified as an innovation hub in the Agri-food sector.

Innovation hubs are "partnerships of a cross section of industry independent associations, innovative start-ups and academic institutions for research in a specific field or territorial span with the aim of stimulating innovative activities, by promoting intensive interactions, use of common facilities, exchange of knowledge and experiences, technologic transfer, networking and sharing of information".

The Hub represents the needs of micro, small, medium and large agri-food and agri-industrial based companies of the Abruzzo region and it is composed also by service companies, employer’s associations, research centers and universities whom provide the basic added value to create network synergies, competitive advantages and innovations in the System.

For its activities, AGIRE is structured on a small and flexible organization, centralizing its governance at Nucleo Sant’Atto (TE) headquarters. Specific operative actions are left to the three decentralized provincial branches of Pescara, Avezzano and Vasto.

Further to the management of the organizational structure, the core business is developed in the following macrocategories of company services:

  • Product innovation, process and value of the product chain;
  • Territorial marketing and organized theme-based hub activities
  • Management, marketing and organizational innovation for companies competitiveness;
  • Foster participation to calls or tenders for enterprise innovation;
  • Programs for innovative competences transfer and promotion of human resources

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AGIRE Soc. cons. a r.l.
Via Isidoro e Lepido Facii snc
64100 Teramo (TE)
Tel.: +39.0861.232435
Fax: +39.0861.232851
Time opening
From monday to friday 08:30AM-01:30PM
About us

AGIRE is set within the indigenous area of Abruzzo region, marked by a strong agri-food vocation.

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